Sunday, September 22, 2013

Inspiration: Animals- Wolves

I will start an inspiration series on animals. So keep on reading.


There's the gray wolf, timber wolf, arctic wolf, and many more. They can travel in packs or hunt alone. They're almost like dogs, but they're not. This sense of  being so familiar yet disconnected and foreign makes these wolves so mysterious.

When I think of a wolf, I see a gray wolf. Do you?

I never knew that wolves could be brown until a couple of years ago. Isn't it strange? (Or I was completely oblivious to the world!)

There are Arctic wolves, too.

Wolves, like dogs, can be pets, surprisingly. However, they are often more aggressive and dangerous since they have a stronger pack mentality. I would not recommend keeping one as a pet. A dog is hard enough.

And here is a random picture of a tamed wolf.

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to run across you territory as a wolf? Think about it. Write about it.

-The Nocturnal Writer

Friday, September 20, 2013

Writing Prompts: One Wish

This prompt is a bit different. It's not a story starter. It's more of an essay that could be the seed of the story. So here it is, in its simple entirety.

If you had one wish that would come true, what would it be and why?

A few strong paragraphs would be good.

And going beyond, what do you think will happen if it came true? Depending on your wish, it could be a long or short chunk of writing.

Did it inspire you? I hope it did! Have fun writing!

-The Nocturnal Writer

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

News: Blog Format

I'm still playing around with blog format and colors. Let me know what you think! So please don't be surprised if the background changes once in a while.

Thank you for reading!

-The Nocturnal Writer

Monday, September 16, 2013

Writing Tips: Adjectives

Adjectives or specific words can turn a sentence from dull to dramatic. Let's take for example, this sentence.

I walked to the tree.

Now, if you put in vivid adjectives...

I meandered to the humongous maple tree with coral colored leaves of autumn.

There. Doesn't that sound more interesting?

It's particularly important to have a good choice of words in the beginning or a piece of writing. It grabs your attention and keeps you reading.

I add in adjectives later on(when I'm revising) because sometimes, it doesn't come naturally. It's a great step to add in your revision process!

Use a thesaurus to find words. It's only a few clicks away online! You will be surprised at the difference it makes in the power of your piece.

Good luck and have fun!

-The Nocturnal Writer

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Writing Tips: Setting Up Your Writing

Organization is important in life and in writing, too. If you're writing in a document, organizing is just a few clicks away. But if you're writing in a journal... let's just say things can go crazy.

So if you already  have a bunch of writing spread between notebooks or on scraps of paper, it's good to get them together.

For loose papers, it's good to get a binder.

The ring size depends on your need. I prefer one or one and a half inch binders. So hole punch away(and add reinforcement stickers) and add in dividers. Sort it in the way that your mind works. It might be by genre, character, or world.

After that, you'll have a nicely sorted binder of writing.

For journals, if you're going to write more than one thing in it, or you know you will, write a table of contents for the first few pages. Number all the pages in the journal. You can write the name of the piece of writing, chapter, etc.

Have fun organizing! You'll feel refreshed afterward.

-The Nocturnal Writer

Friday, August 23, 2013

Life: Revision

I'm in the first phase of revision. I already made revisions on physical paper with red pen, and now I'm making adjustments on the actual document. It's actually fun!

I can tell that I have more revising to go, and possibly more drafting. Many, may more hours of work.

Good luck to all writers!

-The Nocturnal Writer

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Writing Tips: Living Your Character

Ever have trouble thinking in the way that your character thinks? Well here are some weird tips that might sound crazy, but it works. In a quick sentence, here it is.

Pretend that you ARE the character, or have an imaginary best friend for the day.

I know it sounds silly but it works. Now, don't make decisions based on your character's personality unless you can do it without endangering yourself or getting into trouble. But think in the way that your character thinks, even if it's hard to imagine. After a while, your character's personality should solidify.

It's the same for your imaginary character friend. You can just imagine how conversations with one character and another would go before your sleep. Just whenever you have time.

These tips are more suitable for people with more time, but anyone can try!

Good luck and happy writing!

-The Nocturnal Writer